Services for DAB+ operations

Audio & PAD gathering, multiplexing, transport, expertise and project management assistance for DAB+ broadcasting


CREAMUX : Head-end

Audio and PAD ingest.
PAD Insertion.
Audio encoding for DAB+.
Backup in case of source missing.
Multiplexing DAB+ in the cloud.
Backup by duplication 1+1.
Monitoring and supervision.

PAD : associated data (images and texts)

YETI : Transport of the DAB+ signal on sites

Transport EDI to broadcasting sites.
MFN and SFN modes.
Continuity of service with backup EDI on sites.
Monitoring and supervision.

MFN : One transmitter.
SFN : Many transmitters synchronized.

FMNET : Supervision of DAB+ broadcast

Monitoring by sensors outside transmitting sites.
Signal : existing, missing, radiofrequency variations.
Audio : existing, missing, levels.
Quality : digital saturation detection.
Data : existing, missing, conformity.
Analysis : graphs, audio, watermarking detection, remote listening.
Notifications : sms, emails, api.

Studies and reports

Coverage cards.
Coverage strategies.
Comparisons of solutions.
Budget estimates.
Files for the regulation authority (France only).

Services provided by our partner FranceCast

Assistance for project management

Development of DAB+ broadcast networks.
Drafting of specifications.
Competition, calls for tenders.
Deployment tracking, technical recipes.
DAB+ training, theoretical and practical in partnership with INA (France only).

Services provided by our partner FranceCast
INA : Institut National de l'Audiovisuel

DAB+ broadcasting

CreaCast is DAB+ broadcaster in Alsace :
- Extended allotment channel 6D Strasbourg / Colmar / Mulhouse.
- Local allotment Strasbourg channel 7C.


Services CreaCast en DAB+

CREAMUX multiplexing from 200 € per month
Audio and PAD collection from 45 € per month
YETI transport from 191 € per month
FMNET monitoring from 20 € per month
Coverage analysis from 1000 € per month
DAB+ broadcast from 250 € per month

Prices in € excl. VAT

CreaCast Terms of Sales (french)